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序号 索书号 题名 翻译题名 责任者 出版者 乐谱类型
761 J650.971.1/B3859 Mudical canada   edited by John Beckwith and Frederick A.Hall University of toronto Press  
762 J650.971.1/K070 The sakbut blues 电子音乐的先驱 Gayle Young Brant Cowie/artplus Linited  
763 J650.971.2/A412 The life of Emma Thursby 埃玛.瑟斯比生平 Richard McCandless Gipson Da Capo Press, Inc.  
764 J650.971.2/A4135 Rock Of Ages 摇滚音乐史 Ed Ward著 Rolling Stone Press / Prentice-Hall, Inc.  
765 J650.971.2/A612 Unsung a history of women in american music 未被歌颂的美国妇女音乐史 Christine Ammer Greenwood Press  
766 J650.971.2/A9242 Gospel,blues and jazz with spirituals and ragtime 美国黑人福音,布鲁斯和爵士音乐 Poul Oliver,Max Harrison,William Bolcom The Maamilan Press Ltd  
767 J650.971.2/B0543 American musicians fifty-six portraits in Jazz 美国音乐家 Whitney Balliett Oxford University Press  
768 J650.971.2/B663 Elinor Remick Warren her life and her music 美国当代作曲家沃伦作品与生平 by Virginia Bortin The Scarecrow Press, Inc.  
769 J650.971.2/B9649 “Music of the highest class” 南北战争前的波士顿音乐史 M. Broyles著 Rale University Pree  
770 J650.971.2/F3248 America’s musical landscape 美国的音乐景观 Jean Ferris Brown & Benchmark Publishers  
771 J650.971.2/F3534 Fiedler the colorful Mr.pops-the man and his music 菲德勒的生平及其音乐作品 by Robin Moore Da Capo Press, Inc.  
772 J650.971.2/K3254 The New Grove Twentieth-century American Masters 20世纪美国音乐大师 John Kirkpatrick著 W. W. Norton & Company  
773 J650.971.2/Q708 Black music 黑人音乐 Leroi Jones William Morrow & Company,Inc.  
774 J650.971.2/T029 MAINSTREAM MUSIC OF EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY AMERICA 美国二十世纪早期的主流音乐 nichols e.tawa曲 Greenwood Press  
775 J650.971.2/W724 AMERICAN Singing Groups a history 1940-1990 美国歌唱组合 Jay Warner曲 AN IMPRINT OF WATSON-GUPTILL PUBLICATIONS  
776 J650.971.5/A4143 Music in my mistress 我爱音乐:杜克.埃林顿自传 Duke Ellington Doubleday & Company  
777 J650.9712/A924 JAZZ REORLE 爵士乐其人其事 dan morgenstern曲 Harry Nabrams,Inc  
778 J650.9712/D168 THE WORLD OF SWING 摇滚乐世界 Stanley Dance曲 A Dacapo Paperback  
779 J650.9712/F8446 Music and musicians in Chicago 芝加哥的音乐和音乐家 Florence Ffrench编 Da Capo Press  
780 J650.9712/G3189 Gershwin his life and music 格什温的音乐生活 C. Schwartz A Da Capo Paperback