

作 者:于润洋 著
出 版 社:中央音乐学院出版社
版 次:1
页 数:388
开 本:大16开
纸 张:胶版纸
印 次:1
I S B N:9787810964562
包 装:平装
1.On the Dual Existence of Musical WorkS
2.Aesthetic Research on Musical Form
3.Thoughts from“Message in a Bottle”
4.Thoughts on Heidegger's Interpretation of“A Pair of Shoes’by Vincent van Gogh
5.Musicological Analysis 0/3 the Prelude and Finale in the Opera “Tristan and Isolde”
6.A Historical Perspective and Reflection on the CharacteriStiCS 0f Western Music
7.Roman Ingarden,s Phenomenological Philosophy of Music
8.Gadamer~Philosophical Hermeneutics and Its Reve]ation tO the Philosophy of Music
9,Interpretation and Comments on Adorn0,s Philosophy of New Music
10.The Development of Western Philosophy of Music and Its Inspiration to Chinese Music Research
11.On the Aesthetics of Film Music:Basic Issues of the AeStheticS 0f Film Music and Its Significance both in:Theory and in Practice
12.Introduction to Tragic Chopin--Forward to An Explanation of the Tragic Connotation in Chopin's Music
13.Reflection on Musicology Research IsstieS