
The Music Room in Early Modern France and Italy
Sound, Space, and Object

编  者:Deborah Howard, Laura Moretti
出版社:Oxford University Press
页  数:339页
包  装:hbk

This interdisciplinary volume investigates the use of secular space for music making in Early Modern France and Italy.The fact that many artists of the time also had musical skills underlines the close relationship between music and the visual arts.This era is remarkable for the growing importance of music in domestic life, ranging from elaborate court festivities to family recreation .In parallel with the emergence of the theatre as a separate building type,music-making in elite cirles became more specialised through the employment of paid musicians, as the inhabitants and their guests. Meanwhile, however,music printing and the mass-production of instruments, especially lutes, allowed music-making to diffuse down the social scale.

Deborah Howard is Professor of Architectural History and Fellow of St John’s College, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of the British Academy.

Part I   The Visual Dimension
Part II  The Spatial Dimension
Part III  The Aural Dimension
Part IV  The Intellectual Dimension
Part V   Courtly Contexts
Part VI   The Development of Purpose-Build Spaces for Music